Difference Between Traditional RO Commercial Water Purification Systems vs. Internet Water
January 27, 2020

With IoT (Internet of Things) becoming a norm rather than an exception nowadays, commercial businesses need to adapt to the changing ways if they want to keep up with these changes. However, where water purification is concerned, most businesses still rely on traditional methods mostly because they are unaware that smart IoT based technologies are now available in the water purification space.
The shift to “ Internet Water" has revolutionized water purification and has changed the way that commercial water purifiers are perceived, bought, used and maintained. This has completely sidelined traditional methods of water purification a.k.a. RO systems. To the early adopters of Internet Water, this switch has enabled them to effectively deal with various RO system and water quality problems.
Smart water management using IoT and AI is here to stay, and if you are still not convinced, then here is comprehensive information on the differences between a traditional RO commercial water purifier vs Internet Water that’ll help you make an informed decision.
A] Difference Between Traditional RO Commercial Water Purification Systems vs. Internet Water
To differentiate between the two, here are a few problems of traditional RO commercial water purification systems that can be effectively handled by businesses through the use of an IoT based water purifying and quality monitoring system i.e. Internet Water.
Uncertainty About the Purity of Water
With RO commercial water purification systems, there is no way to guarantee the levels of water purity. RO systems don’t aid in the complete removal of pathogens and choked RO membranes could also lead to bad taste and foul odor, besides breeding dangerous pathogens. This can affect not only public health and the health of your employees but also affect your brand’s credibility, resulting in negative PR. In contrast, by making use of Internet Water for commercial purposes, businesses can be absolutely certain about the purity of water, as it offers 24/7 purity monitoring, which is reported back to the user in real-time. Plus, it completely eliminates pathogens, assuring you pure water 24x7 without odor and/ or bad taste.-
Unable To Deal With Fluctuating TDS Levels
Another RO system problem is its inability to deal with fluctuating TDS levels in water due to mixed sources of water supply. The problem is compounded when several locations of a chain of restaurants exist, making the task of monitoring purity and TDS levels across many locations impossible. It is important to know that fluctuating TDS levels in water have a direct impact on the taste of foods and beverages served in that outlet. Since monitoring the water quality across all outlets in different locations simultaneously is not possible, water purification methods employed are not effective either in controlling TDS or providing pathogen-free water. This not only affects the taste and quality of foods and beverages but also puts a question mark on the safety of such foods and beverages. With an IoT based water purification and quality monitoring system, this is another issue that businesses can resolve. Internet Water uses internet-powered sensors, which detect TDS levels in real-time and can be programmed to keep TDS levels at a predetermined constant, maintaining consistency in the taste of foods and beverages. Also, the purity sensors provided assure guaranteed safety. -
Water Wastage
Likewise, varying TDS levels also lead to unnecessary water wastage, as irrespective of whether or not the water warrants the usage of RO, traditional RO plants continue to use RO technology. Internet Water, on the other hand, being a smart water purification method helps reduce water wastage, by automatically switching to UV when the TDS level is low. This helps you save thousands of liters of water every day, which aids in water conservation. -
High Cost of Investment and Ongoing Maintenance Costs
Traditional RO plants come with a high cost of investment and require you to have a considerable budget to cover maintenance costs over the years. Not only is this a burden for most businesses, especially start-ups, but also frequent breakdowns could lead to delays and unplanned expenses, which result in tangible and intangible losses for the business owner. In comparison, Internet Water requires no capital investment and doesn’t incur any recurring maintenance costs, as it is based on a simple subscription-based model, which you can subscribe to on a month-to-month basis.
B] Why Cloudtap Internet Water is the Ideal Method For Water Purification
Now that you know the major differences between traditional RO commercial water purification systems and Internet Water, and how it can help revolutionize the way water is purified and monitored, here is a quick brief on why Cloudtap Internet Water is the ideal method for water purification.
- Zero Pathogens: Unlike RO systems, with Cloudtap, you can rest assured that all physical, chemical and microbiological contaminations are removed from the water, as it uses a proprietary PRISM technology for disinfection of water. It also offers real-time data on the purity of water for all Cloudtap installations, which can be accessed 24/7 via smartphones.
- Zero Downtime: Being a smart water management technology that uses IoT and AI, Cloudtap also offers you the surety of Zero Downtime. The data collected on the purity of water from each Cloudtap installation is analyzed by AI-based algorithms, which help predict potential breakdowns even before they occur. This helps prevent undue delays, and timely intervention can help cut-down revenue loss.
- Zero Capex and Maintenance: With Cloudtap, businesses don’t have to worry about buying, operating or maintaining a water purification plant as it works on a subscription-based model without any CAPEX. Likewise, there is also no need to invest in spares and consumables, as both spares and maintenance are a part of the Cloudtap subscription, making it a profitable choice for the user.
Switching to smart water management systems for purification can help commercial establishments and restaurants effectively deal with the challenges of traditional RO systems. Cloudtap Internet Water is a pioneering water purification method that has brought IoT into the water purification space to meet the needs of water purification and online monitoring. So, if you were apprehensive about making the switch to Internet Water, then we hope this article helped to clarify your doubts.
So, get in touch with us if you want to make Internet Water a part of your business process!