August 6, 2021

Impact of Bottled Water on Environment
As disruptions caused by the coronavirus continue to change the business landscape, more companies are joining the battle against plastic waste, reflecting a dramatic change of attitude towards water and how we consume it. Beyond preferring reusable cups, avoiding plastic straws, and providing food cutlery, businesses that choose commercial water purifiers for the office are part of a real drive to decrease plastic waste. On the one hand, there is a growing awareness of the importance of regular hydration in the workplace, particularly in the current climate, to keep employees focused, reduce work fatigue, and increase productivity.
At the same time, instead of using plastic bottles, offices are increasingly using purified water from commercial water purifiers. Many businesses are taking steps to reduce their usage of plastic by using innovative technology to store and deliver high-quality water to employees and customers, reducing wastage and saving money in the process.
You might not think twice about picking up a plastic water bottle and dumping it in the trash once you finish hydrating. After all, plastic water bottles are simple to use and readily available—you can find them almost anyplace.
All of this comfort, however, comes at a significant cost to the environment on which we all rely. Plastic bottle production uses a lot of natural resources, such as fossil fuels and water. Single-use plastics (such as plastic water bottles) clog landfills, poison our oceans, and devastate wildlife and the ecosystem in general. Furthermore, the production of plastic water bottles contributes to climate change by emitting greenhouse gases. Let’s take a closer look at plastic water bottle use around the world, plus why it’s so important to ban the bottle.
Since 2017, global plastics production has amounted to 335 million metric tons of plastic each year. Around half of this is incorporated into single-use products such as plastic bottles. A whopping 32% of the plastic packaging produced each year ends up in oceans. About 46,000 pieces of plastic trash can be found floating on every square mile of the ocean. It’s estimated that more than one million marine creatures are killed every year by plastic waste.
What’s the good news? There’s a straightforward solution to the plastic water bottle conundrum. We simply need to use less of them. Plastic water bottle bans in cities, states, and entire countries have made significant progress, as well as consumers switching to reusable bottles.
Benefits of Plastic Water Ban in Offices
It’s good for culture:
It’s always impressive to walk into a business that’s proudly implementing green practices. You may demonstrate your office's commitment to the elimination of waste by placing glass cups in the break room, compostable receptacles in the halls, and a Refill Station at the front and center. Employees that practice sustainability at work tend to extend their efforts to their personal lives as well. (This is a fact!)
It’s better for employee wellness:
The healthiest alternative to single-use plastic bottles is refilling with chilled, perfectly purified, great-tasting water. Great taste, superior water system technology, and trusted purification have made employees happily choose water over other options, and drink MORE water, too.
It’s a money saver:
Let’s ignore the fact that plastic water bottles look nasty all over the office or overflowing from recycling bins. They’re also more likely to be thrown away half full, and since bottled water is sold at up to 300% markup, it’s like you lose twice. Dispose of single-use bottles from break rooms and redirect those costs to glass cups or reusable bottles. Just a couple of simple switches can save thousands of rupees a month.
If just 10% of the country’s 29 million businesses were to replace single-use plastic products with reusable or waste-neutral products, we’d see an immediate reduction in annual plastic waste output. Now dump the plastic bottle and get to work for yourself, and your environment.
RO Water Purifier vs. Bottled Water
Bottled Water:
There’s a huge controversy going on regarding bottled water, due to its disposal after consumption which is affecting the environment in many ways. Though many prefer bottled water over RO purified water, this is due to smart marketing techniques. But how can those marketing campaigns or techniques claim the purity of bottled water? WHO had published a report in which it was stated that many bottled water brands don’t deliver water that meets the recommended standards of water purity.
If noticed closely, none of the bottled water companies specify their source or origin of the water. In addition to this, the plastic bottles contain polyethylene terephthalate (PET) which leech harmful chemicals into the water and increase your chances of chemical exposure. Plastic bottles also contain bisphenol A (BPA), which can affect your hormones. Bottled water is also expensive and an environmental hazard.
Commercial RO Water Purifier:
A commercial reverse osmosis water purification system provides bottled water in your office without the bottle. An RO system can be easily installed on your office premises. The RO system pushes water through a semipermeable membrane with high pressure to provide you with purified and contaminant-free water. Commercial Ro Systems provides water that is just as clean as the bottled water, it tastes just like bottled water and it does not produce plastic waste. Over time many people have switched to RO water purification systems, thanks to the innumerable number of advantages. However, before buying one should consider the source of water, as it will provide a better understanding of the purifier to opt for from the wide range since the quality of water varies from place to place. While to ensure you receive purified water with an adequate amount of minerals, an RO water purifier with a TDS controller is undoubtedly the best choice. The TDS controller keeps a check of the TDS and purifies the water keeping the minerals intact.
Businesses prefer bottled water and RO water to ensure that their employees are drinking clean, contaminant-free water. Bottled water is convenient for on-the-go emergencies, but it is evident that commercial RO water is the best option for a cost-effective and environmentally beneficial option. Although the initial prices of RO water may appear high, there are cost-effective rental solutions available, and it is more cost-effective in the long run. Many individuals are looking for alternatives to bottled water as awareness of environmental sustainability and the negative consequences of plastic usage grow. Commercial water is one of the most popular alternatives to bottled water.
Some Problems with Commercial RO Water Purifiers
However good the commercial RO may be, there are many things that can go wrong with the Commercial RO water purifier.
Biofouling from bacteria buildup could cause a rupture in the RO membrane, or brittle gaskets and sealings could snap. Bacteria and other pathogens enter the treated water in both circumstances and quickly multiply, contaminating it.
Furthermore, RO systems frequently fail as a result of consumables being depleted or choked prematurely. In such a case, the Commercial RO water plant either stops working or fully shuts down. Offices are stuck without water and rely on getting bottled water as a temporary fix. For the owner, this is a stressful period, with an unexpected expense, and loss of business.
To cut recurring maintenance costs, businesses frequently rely on unskilled technicians from the unorganized sector, who use low-cost spares and take shortcuts when repairing Commercial RO water purifiers.
Following a significant capital investment in a Commercial RO water purifier, the most significant issue today is the complete lack of any monitoring system that communicates that the water is absolutely and reliably pure. Today, this is one of the most significant risk factors for any business. Something that could have a detrimental impact on staff health, leading to increased sick days and decreased productivity.
Cloudtap Internet Water - The Perfect Choice for Your Workplace
Cloudtap, a revolutionary commercial RO + UV water purification system powered by the internet and artificial intelligence, is here to put an end to the problems described above after studying the problems faced by commercial RO water purifiers.
Here’s how Cloudtap’s Internet Water is better than bottled water.
Providing pure water is a concern for businesses, and it is of the utmost importance to Cloudtap. Cloudtap's fail-safe pathogen removal technology (PRISM™) scans the water for pathogens that cause disease. Every drop of water that comes out of the commercial water purifier plant is pure and meets USFDA and EPA disinfection guidelines. As a business owner, you can easily check the purity of the water of your Cloudtap RO+UV commercial water purification system by logging into a dashboard that tracks installation and purity 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This provides complete transparency, complete control, and complete peace of mind. All this on your smartphone or any other smart device.
As a smart water management technology that uses IoT and AI, Cloudtap has 15 inbuilt sensors that continuously collect vital data which is then analyzed by AI-based algorithms. This helps predict potential breakdowns before it causes a failure or downtime. Predictive maintenance is then carried out, and this timely intervention helps prevent undue delays, thereby delivering uninterrupted service 24/7, which helps reduce revenue loss. What was the end result? A continuous flow of the purest drinking water from your purification system for your business. This also eliminates the never-ending communication chain between you and bottled water suppliers.
The Cloudtap engine, which is powered by the internet, analyses data and delivers proactive alerts to the Cloudtap support team before a potential failure happens. The Cloudtap system is constantly functioning thanks to this proactive maintenance. What was the final outcome? A continuous flow of the purest drinking water from your purification system for your business. This also avoids the never-ending communication loop that exists between you and bottled water providers.
Switching to Cloudtap, a commercial water purifier makes sense all around. Purity you can trust, and increased profits. We also help you overcome the difficulties of maintaining RO systems, which is an added bonus!
Do you want to make the switch to Internet Water for your business? Call Cloudtap expert today at + 91-22-66612300.
- Written By Anushri Jain