How Cloudtap Can Help Fight Plastic Pollution
October 23, 2019

Plastic pollution is one of the biggest threats of our time. It not only causes land pollution but also water and air pollution. It harms not only human health but also animals and plants. Worse yet, cleaning the areas that are affected by plastic waste can costs the government millions of rupees, which negatively impacts the economic growth of a country.
While active measures are being undertaken by the concerned authorities to identify effective ways to reduce plastic pollution, we still have a long way to go. However, every individual and business need to do their part in reducing the negative effects of plastic pollution, and this is where Cloudtap can be one of the ideal solutions to plastic pollution.
Before we look at how Cloudtap can help fight plastic pollution, let’s check out in brief what plastic pollution is, the causes of plastic pollution, and the effects of plastic on food and water.
1. What Is Plastic Pollution?
When a pile-up of plastic waste collected in an area (land or water) creates health hazards for human, plants, and wildlife, in general, it is referred to as plastic pollution. Plastic is not easily biodegradable, as it is meant for durability. Also, while the production of plastic has been increasing rapidly worldwide, effective collection and disposing of the same is inadequate. This has made plastic pollution one of the most alarming environmental issues for which prompt action needs to be taken.
2. Causes Of Plastic Pollution
Population growth is one of the primary causes of plastic pollution. With the exponential rise in population, the demand for durable and cheaper materials increased, especially in urban areas. To meet this demand, companies started producing a huge quantity of plastic, as it is the cheapest material to manufacture as well as durable.
The result; every single utility item that we use today is made of plastic. Right from plastic bags to bring fruits, vegetables, and ration; to plastic water bottles, straws, and even food containers, the use of plastic has increased tremendously over the years.
You’ll find plastic almost everywhere: right in your home, to restaurants, to place of worship, among others. However, the flip side is, plastic is made from strong chemicals and a specific catalyst that slows down the decomposition rate. To put things into perspective, plastic bags take 10-20 years to decompose, whereas plastic bottles take 450 years while plastic items in landfills take up to 1,000 years to decompose, according to these statistics. Shocking, isn’t it?
3. Effects Of Plastic On Food
Like mentioned above, to make plastic, strong chemicals and a specific catalyst are used. When hot food is stored in a plastic container it causes a chemical reaction that not only alters the taste of food but can also be detrimental to your health. Thus, while plastic is widely used in restaurants and food chains to deliver food items, as they are easy to carry and are lightweight, it is not the safest method to wrap/store food in, as chemicals or smaller plastic molecules may leach into the food due to heat.
4. Effects Of Plastic On Water
One of the other growing problems that the world needs to find a solution for is plastic bottle pollution. Like in the case of food, packaged drinking water or aerated drinks stored in plastic bottles are also prone to chemical reaction if they come in direct contact with the sun. This can again jeopardise your health. Also, let’s not forget the negative impact of plastic on marine wildlife, wherein, the ingestion of plastic kills millions of marine wildlife each year.
5. Simple Ways To Stop Plastic Pollution
Few of the best plastic pollution solutions that can help tackle this environmental issue are;
- Recycle everything and always check things before you put them into the trash.
- Take cloth bags or jute bags along with you while shopping for grocery and other items.
- Individuals can replace plastic items in their homes with steel & glass jars and containers.
- Restaurants can look for an alternative to plastic packaging, such as fully biodegradable and compostable containers and take-out boxes made from fibre. Plastic straws can be replaced with bamboo/steel straws while wooden cutlery can replace plastic cutlery.
- Commercial businesses can invest in a good commercial water purification system to reduce the dependency on bottled water.
#Cloudtap - The Perfect Solution To Plastic Pollution
Cloudtap is not only a better alternative to packaged drinking water, but it can also help you save a lot of money. With Cloudtap, you can be sure of the purity of water, which is often difficult to ascertain when it comes to bottled water. Plus, by opting for Cloudtap Internet Water, you are doing your bit towards reducing plastic water pollution.
From food retail chains to educational institutes to retail chains, malls & multiplexes, Cloudtap is an ideal solution if you want to serve 100% pure drinking water to your customers and employees. Also, hotels can serve the purest drinking water with zero plastic waste with CloudTap. How? Read here to know more.
The effects of plastic pollution, with its decades of use, has taken a heavy toll on the environment worldwide. Minimizing the use of plastic and finding out a suitable alternative to every single plastic item is the best way forward if we want to protect plants, animals, marine wildlife, and to ensure the good health of every human and living being.
For all those who wanted to learn how to reduce plastic pollution, above are some of the best plastic pollution solutions that you can opt for. As for commercial businesses and other institutes, Cloudtap is a great choice for a continuous supply of pure drinking water, which by extension can also help combat the ill-effects of plastic pollution on water and land.